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What is an S19 Bauer Vapor League Hockey Stick?

At the beginning of the 2019-20 hockey season Bauer introduced a stick for pro players called the S19 Bauer Vapor League stick:

Players cannot order them in as full customs, but are available in certain stock model curves like P92, P92M, P88, PM9, P91A, P28.  

The artwork on the stick is similar to the newly released Fly-Lite.  

At first look the stick appears to be in line with the other top of the line models that Bauer produces.  It is extremely lightweight (pictured above at 415 grams), appears to be constructed with 18K carbon material, with an excellent feel and balance point. Although does not have the tapered construction in the bottom 1/3rd of the stick like the Fly-Lite.

HockeyStickMan's initial impression is that it will be a great performing stick. 


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