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What is a Pro Stock Hockey Stick?

The question we get asked most often is "What does pro stock mean?"

Pro Stock sticks and gear are equipment that was originally made and manufactured specifically for a professional player. Each player receives around 6-12 sticks at a time with their own specific curve, flex, height, or a variety of other custom options available to them. Pro players may only use 2-3 of these sticks before deciding they want to change up their specs, and the remainder they have in their locker never get used. On average, NHL players use between 60-120 sticks a season, and NCAA or Junior hockey players use around 25 per season.

HockeyStickMan is able to buy all of these leftover sticks from pro teams in bulk, and offer top end hockey sticks to our customers at low prices. Shopping pro stock is a great way to save money on hockey sticks, and get a great deal every time!


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  • I want to say thank you! I purchased two of your blackout sticks and alls I can say is wow! Great sticks without all the fancy design. The sticks feel great and for the price you can’t go wrong. I will be purchasing more in the future! I’ve already told all my friends and they are also placing orders. The P91 curve is such a great curve but very hard to find. Please keep it so us 80’s kids can keep our hockey dreams alive!

  • In your blackout series sticks, do you have any with the hybrid flex point like the ccm jetspeed stick?

    Sheldon Winsor
  • Looking for a Lie 4 stick.

    Sheard, Paul

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